The Parrish Post

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

1000 gifts - What I'm thankful for...

31.   30 weeks still pregnant!  This was a major milestone.  God is so faithful!
32.  Anne and Ashley cleaning and organizing the nursery and getting everything ready for Cole!
33.  Baby Marcus Neal was adopted last week and is so snuggly and sweet.  Baby Carson was born healthy!
34.  Fun with my family on Sunday at our family Christmas gathering! (at my house of course)
35.  A wonderful baby shower that was super cute and sooo much fun!
36.  My boppy cuddle pillow.  I wouldn't be able to sleep wtihout it!
37.  A great new cookbook with lots of fun things to cook once I'm allowed!
38.  A fun soft soccer ball for Cole.  It is his first ball!  Thanks cousin Kate!
39. A super sweet husband who continues to  take care of me and the house and does a wonderful job!
40.  A Savior born into this world to take away my sins and give me eternal life. 

1 comment:

  1. Julie - I am Ashley's friend who was on bed rest for over 10 weeks in my pregnancy. I just want to encourage you in this journey. I pray that when the moments come when you feel like you can't do it anymore that God will give you perfect peace. It will be worth it in the end when you hold your precious son. He is counting on you! Email me if you need anything:
    Merry Christmas!
