The Parrish Post

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Bed Rest Creativity

I'm not a very creative person.  I prefer to buy things rather than try to make them.  However, I was given this knitting wheel kit.  It had easy directions to make hats.  So I have made a few baby hats.  I am documenting it since this may be the only semi - creative thing I ever do! :) 

My nephew Brody modeling one of the hats!       

I'm also working on a scarf.  My friend Kelly started it and showed me how to continue knitting it!  She came over today and said, "You haven't been doing very much on your scarf!"  Haha.  I should probably get to it!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

1000 gifts

I'm thankful for so many things this Thanksgiving... 

21. The many meals that have been provided by our sweet friends and family over the past few weeks.
22. Family on Thanksgiving. Everyone changing plans so that they could come spend time with us at our house since we can't go anywhere.
23.  Friends that come clean my house while I'm in the hospital so that it is nice and organzied when we come home!
24.  Being able to come home at my house for Thanksgiving.
25.  The Lord has enabled Cole to stay put for a little bit longer.  Each day he gets bigger and stronger. 
26.  Nikki coming to stay with me for a whole week!
27.  My husband, the caretaker.  He is so awesome. He works hard all day and then comes home and does all of the work around the house plus does everything I need. 
28.  Prayer.  God answers prayers.
29.  Our church family who have been the body of Christ around us.
30.  All the visitors I have had that cheer me up during the days of laying around!

Friday, November 19, 2010


"In God, whose word I praise, in the Lord, whose word I praise - in God I trust; I will not be afraid."  Psalm 56: 10, 11

For the first 10 days or so of bed rest I wasn't too afraid or worried about Cole being born early.  Mostly because I didn't feel bad or really anything different and I thought for sure I wasn't going into labor anytime soon.  Then this past Monday we went back to the doctor to be checked again.  (I have to go each week.)  Things were worse (my cervix was shorter) and the doctor seemed extremely concerned about me going into labor.  He gave me another medication and said they were doing everything they could do to prevent labor with me at home.  The next option was to put me in the hospital so I could be on IV's.  He said I had to come back Wednesday to be checked again and they may admit me.  I went home more anxious then I had been in the last few weeks.  I really do not want this sweet baby boy to be born yet.  I want him to stay in my womb and grow and develop.

I spent Tuesday worrying and trying to figure out just how many contractions I was having.  Tuesday night some of my sweet friends from church come over to pray for me and Cole.  It was so sweet and just what I needed.  It reminded me that the Lord is really in control of our situation.  He is knitting Cole in my womb and is not surprised that this has happened.  He can handle it.  He also knows just when this baby boy will be born and he will not be born one day earlier than the Lord wills.  The sweet prayers calmed my heart and helped me sleep. 

Wednesday morning we went to the doctor and my cervix measured longer than Monday! Praise the Lord. I was also hooked up to the monitor for a while and had no activity so the doctors agreed I could go home and come back on Monday.  I felt so much better.  All our family and friends sought the Lord for things to be just a bit better on Wednesday at the doctor and the Lord answered our prayers.  I know he will continue to answer us as we seek him through this process.

"I sought the Lord and He answered me, And delivered me from all my fears." Ps. 34:4

Bed Rest

So about 3 weeks ago I was thinking to myself, "bed rest wouldn't be that bad."  I don't really know what made me think about this as I was doing just fine and did not expect for that to ever happen to me.  I was thinking, hey, I love laying on the couch and watching tv, movies, and playing on the internet so it can't be too bad.

Then, just 2 weeks ago I went to the doctor for what I thought were some minor complications. Turned out they found that I have a shortened cervix.  The doctor thought it could be due to an infections.  He put me on bed rest for a few days and gave me some medicine.  By the end of the weekend I was not very fond of bed rest anymore.  I had another appointment to be checked again and was hoping everything would be fine and I could get up.  That appointment did not go as well.  My cervix was shorter than it was before.  Dr. Lyman came in and told me that I had to continue to be on complete bed rest.  We started asking what I could do and he pretty much said no to everything I asked.  He said I could get up to go to the bathroom.  I asked how long I would have to be on bed rest.  He said, "Well, a full term baby is 37-38 weeks"  (I was at 24 weeks).  I started crying a little bit.  He explained to us that if they had not found this problem and I kept working and doing normal activities then i would definitely have a premature baby.  He explained the importance of making it to 28-30 weeks before the baby is born.  I think I cried that entire day.

Our sweet families and friends have surrounded us and encouraged us.  They have helped us in so many ways and we feel so loved.  I have really seen the body of Christ at work in our life.  The prayers and service has been amazing.  It has truly made me feel like we can get through this time in our life.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Brody Mason Parrish

My nephew, Brody, was born today.  8 lbs 10 oz.  21 1/2 inches long. 
Here is a picture of Uncle Ray with Brodes (as Ray calls him).
I can't wait to hold you sweet baby boy!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

In November...

I read a book to my class yesterday called In November by Cynthia Rylant.  It has beautiful language that describes the things that happen in November.  Time has flown by as it always does once school starts.  It's November . I love that it is fall and it is finally getting chilly.  I like the cold weather.  I love taking out my sweaters and jackets.  I love drinking hot chocolate and snuggling in the blankets when it gets cold in the house. 

I love that by November in my classroom things have pretty much normalized.  There are always off days but for the most part things go according to our set routine that the children are used to.  In November I don't feel as stressed at work.  This year has been especially difficult because I have changed curriculum's.  I have been teaching 5 year old traditional kindergarten for 3 years and this year I am teaching a 3-5 year old multi-age primary Montessori class.  I began the training for Montessori last summer not really knowing anything about it.  I learned a lot and really enjoyed the classes.  I found it very interesting and developmentally appropriate for young children.  I was excited about teaching this new way.  However, this year has been hard.  It feels like my first year teaching again - which it basically is.  I have felt like I know nothing and am not doing anything right or teaching these kids anything.  I have cried many days after work asking Ray if I could quit.  The 3 year olds are so much different than the 5's I was used to.  But it is now November.  The other day I thought about how I come home much less stressed than I have the last few years.  I enjoy watching my children choose their own lessons during our morning work time.  I enjoy observing them try new things with the materials and I enjoy teaching individual lessons rather than planning tons of large group lessons.  I love sitting on the floor with a book and allowing children to come gather around me to listen, just if they want to, without forcing them to.  I still make lesson plans for each day and I still plan what I need to teach to make sure that each child is growing and learning but it's just different than past years.  I don't feel chained to the standards.  I feel freedom to teach each child from where they are and I'm enjoying it more and more each day.  Last week I was walking around the room during work time and I watched two boys sitting together with the world globe.  They were singing the continent song together and pointing to each continent on the globe.  We had been singing this song together at line time (group time) and talking about the globe and the continents and these 4 adn 5 year old boys were choosing to do this on their own together.  I just love watching their little minds learn things. 

So this year,  In November,  I am very thankful for my job where I can see young minds learning every day.