The Parrish Post

Friday, July 22, 2011

Don't wake a sleeping baby!

My sweet baby boy is FINALLY sleeping through the night!!!!   I feel like a new woman!  The other week I slept 8 hours straight without waking up! I can't remember the last time I had done that.  (it was definitely before I was pregnant.) 

After Cole's 4 month appointment and once I was sure he was over 12 pounds I decided it was time to let him cry it out.  I couldn't bring myself to do this before this time because it just broke my heart to hear him cry and I loved rocking him to sleep.  But I was soooo tired by 4 months that it was TIME to let him cry.  I could not physically get up 3 times a night anymore just for the passy. I was feeling so frustrated and definitely felt like my baby was the ONLY baby that wouldn't sleep all night (even though I know it isn't true).  The first night I let him cry a little bit - maybe just about 10 minutes before I went in there.  The next night I let him cry about 15 min.  The third night I was going to wait until 20 minutes BUT at about 15 minutes he quit crying and went back to sleep.  It wasn't long after that when he just stayed asleep the whole time and didn't cry at all!  Just about 2 weeks ago I decided to quit his late night feeding just to see what would happen.  And he did absolutely fine.  He didn't even cry.  I really couldn't believe it. So now this kid gets put to bed about 7 or 7:30 and normally sleeps until 8 am.   PRAISE the LORD!  He answered  my prayers for rest above and beyond what I could have asked or imagined. 

1 comment:

  1. yay julie!!!! so happy for you. It's amazing what a gift sleep is!
