The Parrish Post

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Christ is risen indeed!

We enjoyed our first Easter as a family of 3.  Cole didn't make it through church in his Easter outfit so I didn't get any pictures. But I did learn that next year we will have to get ready for church a littler earlier and take pictures before we leave.  :)

We did take some casual Easter pictures in the afternoon.  
 Cole hung out with Aunt Laura 
and with all the girls...

and with Mimi and Kate!

But the big event for the day was the annual Easter Egg Hunt my parents do for us, their grown kids.  We team up with our spouse and hunt for eggs around the house that have money in them.  This year my parents hid 60 eggs (while we all sat outside on the porch and waited.) 30 eggs had "calories" in them as my dad said (candy) and 30 had money in them. (most 1's, some 5's, some 10's, and one 20 dollar bill).  Each girl gets the basket and the boys can only pick up one egg at a time.  They have to get it to their spouse's basket before picking up another one.  This made for a lot of Ray yelling "Julie- living room now." or "julie - kitchen, hurry!"  
During all the comotion, Cole was snoozin', Kate was coloring, and Mimi was giving hints about where the eggs were hidden!

Well, we found all the eggs eventually.  Stephen and Cinelle found the most money: $64  
Ray and I got $31 total.  and Laura and Jason found the egg with the 20 dollar bill. 
Here is our loot!

Of course, we couldn't have an adult Easter egg hunt without having one for Kate... 

Next year Cole will be able to hunt eggs too!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Spring Break

I loved having another week off from work last week.  We had a fun, relaxing week.  
Marcus came over to play with us!

We also went to Greenville to visit Aunt Laura and Kate

It was back to work yesterday though.  :(  
Only 28 school days until summer... :)

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Ray's family from Washington came down to visit so we spent some time out at Lake Murray. 

 We went to a Carolina baseball game.  I was excited for Cole to wear his USC clothes.  Ray was very unhappy about it,  not just pretend unhappy about it. I think it's sort of funny how much he cares about it.  He really wants Cole to like Georgia and not Carolina and I'm sure he will eventually but for now Cole can be a fan of both.   Ray did get me back by dressing Cole in Georgia attire a few days later.

 Cole also has been more alert and loves to play on his play mat and look at himself in the mirror.  He weighed 8 lbs 10 oz at his 2 month appointment.  He started smiling last week but I still haven't been able to get a good picture of it.  And he rolled over for the first time this week.  I was so glad he did it while I was home with him. 

Saturday, April 9, 2011


This is what happens when Dad has the day off and Mom has to go to work...

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Back to Work

I've been back at work for 6 days now after 5 months of not working. Bed rest was no fun however I have to say I enjoyed my break from work this year.  Sometimes (lots of times) teaching can be overwhelming and stressful and that is how I felt from August - October.  I know it had to do with the new school, new coworkers, new curriculum, and new younger children. At the beginning of November I had felt like I had finally gotten into a grove when I unexpectedly had to stop working.  So of course now, after 5 months off, I am not in the grove at all.  The first 4 days were rough.  I was soooo tired and didn't have much patience. But, the last 2 days have been wonderful.  We have had really peaceful work times where I felt like a teacher again watching these sweet young children learn.  My first day back there was a large sign posted on my wall welcoming me.  It made my heart smile. 

  It was hard to leave Cole, of course.  And I cried and cried and cried on Wednesday night (the eve of my first day back).  The next morning I cried while eating my cereal before I left.  I hate to leave him every morning but I know he is being loved on by his grandma's, aunts, and all the sweet friends who are watching him while I'm working.  But every afternoon I come home to kiss this sweet face.