We enjoyed our first Easter as a family of 3. Cole didn't make it through church in his Easter outfit so I didn't get any pictures. But I did learn that next year we will have to get ready for church a littler earlier and take pictures before we leave. :)
We did take some casual Easter pictures in the afternoon.
Cole hung out with Aunt Laura
and with all the girls...
and with Mimi and Kate!
But the big event for the day was the annual Easter Egg Hunt my parents do for us, their grown kids. We team up with our spouse and hunt for eggs around the house that have money in them. This year my parents hid 60 eggs (while we all sat outside on the porch and waited.) 30 eggs had "calories" in them as my dad said (candy) and 30 had money in them. (most 1's, some 5's, some 10's, and one 20 dollar bill). Each girl gets the basket and the boys can only pick up one egg at a time. They have to get it to their spouse's basket before picking up another one. This made for a lot of Ray yelling "Julie- living room now." or "julie - kitchen, hurry!"
During all the comotion, Cole was snoozin', Kate was coloring, and Mimi was giving hints about where the eggs were hidden!
Well, we found all the eggs eventually. Stephen and Cinelle found the most money: $64
Ray and I got $31 total. and Laura and Jason found the egg with the 20 dollar bill.
Here is our loot!
Of course, we couldn't have an adult Easter egg hunt without having one for Kate...
Next year Cole will be able to hunt eggs too!