The Parrish Post

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sunny Saturday!

I'm loving the spring weather!  Cole loves to go on walks and we've been doing that a lot lately.  It is nice that I was stuck inside during all the winter months and am able to get out now that it is springtime!

Last Saturday we decided to go eat lunch at one of our favorite restaurants downtown: Cantina 76.  They have great tacos -- all different kinds. 
 They also have awesome guacomole!
 Cole wanted to try the shrimp taco!

I love Sunny Saturdays with the family!

6 weeks old!

Cole is 6 weeks old today!  I can't believe it.  Time goes by so fast.  He weighs about 7 1/2 lbs now.  He has long arms and long fingers like his dad;  He makes all kinds of faces; And he loves to be snuggled, and I don't mind that at all. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

This little face makes me smile

Organizing Fairy!

Anne is the organizing/cleaning fairy!  Check out this giveaway on her blog!

She already helped me with our messy guest room when we turned it into a nursery and I definitely need some help in this messy space!  (Everything from the nursery went straight to the office!!!)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

One Month!

I am one month old today!
And I love to wrinkle up my forehead!